Kimberley Exploration
Hidden Valley
The Hidden Valley Project comprises one Exploration Licence application for 220km2 located 150km south of Kununurra, Western Australia. The tenement is geologically located within the Osmond Ranges, with work completed by previous explorers covering geophysical and surface geochemical surveys, geological mapping, and prospecting. While several anomalous indicators for gold and copper have been identified, no drilling has been undertaken.
The tenement lies within the Osmond Ranges and on a major structural position straddling the Osmond Fault. The fault is a unique east-north-east trending structural domain immediately east of the Halls Creek Orogen and along strike from IGO Limited’s Osmond Valley Project.
No work has been completed in the tenement area since 2007, at which time airborne GEOTEM data collected by BHP in 1996 was reanalysed. This work concluded that the key anomalies in the region, known as the Osmond Pipes, are “wide conductive targets within an extensive zone (possibly middle Proterozoic rocks)” and were recommended for “further evaluation by way of additional electromagnetic (EM) surveys” (refer to WAMEX Report A78887 by Osmond Range Resources Pty Ltd for full details). In addition, these anomalies, which sit at the intersection of the Osmond Fault and Argyle Corridor, were concluded to be of potential ultramafic source.
While several anomalous indicators of nickel, copper and gold mineralisation have been identified through earlier broad geochemical surveys in the region, no modern gravity or EM surveys have been completed and no drilling has been undertaken.
Accordingly, the adoption of EM geophysical techniques will assist with rapidly evaluating the Ni-Cu intrusion model, as well the sediment hosted massive sulphide Pb-Zn-Ag or Kimberlite pipe model for which potential also exists.